The program of website launch of sutharsamaj.net was held on 24th October 2010 @ 4:00pm, the venue Roshan Tara Coaching Centre, Tando Wali Mohd, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Ajeet Kumar Amrani (Director Events And Activities), Narinder Kumar Panchani (Marketting Promotion Director) Govind Rajani (Marketing Promotion Director).
The numbers of participants (suthar students and professionals) were above 30 and the chief guest was Engr: Hanjraj, and other guests were Prof: Eng: Bheem Raj, DR: Mangal Raam Suthar and Engr: Shanbhu Mal Suthar, and DR: Ramesh kumar
The Guests of Website launch were:
- Eng. Hanjraj (President of Suthar Co-ordination Society )
- Eng: Prof: Bheem Raj Suthar (Suthar Co-ordination Society)
- Eng: Shanbhu Mal Suthar
- Mr. Mangal Ram Suthar
- Dr. Ramesh Kumar Suthar
Names of other Participants:
- Rajesh Kumar
- Bheem Raj
- Mahadev Kumar
- Pardeep Kumar
- Love Kumar
- Veeram Das
- Jai Parkash
- Hareesh Kumar
- Chatar Veer
- Bheemraj Bhatti
- Bhagwan Das Bhatti
- Jaydev Kumar
- Bharat Kumar
- Sherwan Kumar
- Dileep Kumar
- Mukesh Kumar
- Santosh Kumar
- Prem Kumar
- Jagdeesh Kumar
- Moolchand
- Jagdeesh SH.
During website launch ceremony, Each and every feature of the website SUTHARSAMAJ.NET was clarified and explained by Ajeet Kumar Suthar , Narinder Kumar Panchani and Govind Rajani with the support of Jawaher Lal and Santosh hirani.
The program was started with reciting of GAITRI MANTAR by Narinder Kumar Panchani. And then Ajeet kumar introduced the website suthar samaj.net its main features like: Shree Vishwakrama ji ki Arti, Shree Vishwakrama Chalisa, Vanshawali (Shujra), Suthar Samaj 120 Goatra,
History, Associated Communities, Events & Activities, Address book, Honors of 2010, Books, Landmarks, Download, etc information…
The participants asked various questions about the website and in response they gave valuable suggestions about how we can modify our work:
Like encouraging the suthar students to take part in those fields where no suthar is interested to go for example: C.S.S, Armed Forces, Navy, and police department.
There should be a separate portion for this in the website so that suthar students become encouraged to take part in these fields rather than involving their selves in only engineering and medical. – (Eng.: Hanj Raj)
This website should focus more on the education, because the education is the backbone of every nation or community, if we will improve our education then we can create new legends and such new techniques which will be best for our community. – (Prof: Bheem RaJ)
So we have to work together for our community and we have to stand immovable from our ways until we achieve our destination. So everyone got pleased and astonished to know about this website launch and promised to cooperate with us in our struggle.
REPORT BY: Narinder Kumar Panchani & Ajeet Kumar Suthar